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Overcoming Insomnia: The Right Relaxation Techniques Can Help You

If youre troubled by insomnia, try the following relaxation exercises. Theyre simple but highly effective. Many people have found a renewed ability to fall asleep just by learning how to relax well.

Heres a breathing exercise you can practice when you get to bed at night.

Lie down and relax your body as best as you can. Take a few slow, deep breaths. Each time you breathe in imagine the air gently flowing into your lungs and stomach. Then visualize the air flowing out smoothly and easily as you exhale.

With each outgoing breath, imagine that you are relaxing your body more and more, that that youre going deeper within yourself. See and feel all your stresses and tensions easily dissolving and going away with each outgoing breath. Do this about 4 to 6 times.

Next, breathe in slowly to the count of four. Once your lungs are comfortably full, hold your breath for a second or so. Breathe out slowly to the count of eight. Feel yourself relaxing more deeply each time you breathe out.

Repeat this process six to ten times. At the end of it, youll find yourself in a deep state of relaxation physically and mentally. You will notice the effects immediately -- you will feel much calmer and any constriction in your chest and head will likely have dissolved.

Make this relaxation exercise a part of your bedtime routine. You will soon associate this exercise with falling asleep. And you will indeed fall asleep more easily.

Heres another highly potent way to relax your body and mind in order to promote deep, restful sleep.

You can do this exercise on the floor as well, but many people find it easier to do it on a comfortable bed. Do not use a pillow.

Lie flat on your back. Assume a relaxed position with your hands by your sides with palms facing up and your legs slightly apart.

Take several slow, deep breaths. Let your eyes close gently as youre doing this.

Now direct your attention to your scalp. Tense the scalp gently and let go. Feel it relaxing. Go on to your forehead and do the same. Gently tense the forehead and relax it.

Do the same for the rest of your body. Tense each muscle group and relax it. Relax your eyes, face, throat, shoulders, chest and so on till you reach your feet.

The key to doing this exercise well is to be totally unhurried about the whole process. Before you start the exercise, just let go and tell yourself this time is entirely your own. When youre doing it, dont worry about your other commitments.

Do not tense any muscle so much that it hurts or it feels excessive strain. Gentle tension is all thats required.

Once youve relaxed your whole body, stay in that state for several minutes. Breathe deeply and evenly. Imagine that all the stress and tension in every part of your body is melting and is being replaced by a state of calm relaxation.

Stretch slowly before you get up from bed.

Practice this relaxation exercise regularly before you go to bed. Youll find that its effectiveness increases over time.

Both the above exercises are excellent aids for getting rid of insomnia. Theyre also perfect add-ons to natural insomnia remedies or medication you may be using to banish sleeplessness.

Peter Walters is a successful author who has written extensively on natural insomnia cures, easy ways to banish sleep disorders, effective treatments for insomnia and many other related topics.

Related Links:

A Guide to Herbal Sleep Aids

14 Ways to Improve Sleep Now!

Insomnia: Stop the Frustration

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